Hombound and Hospital Ministry

Homebound and Hospital Ministry

The General Introduction of the Pastoral Care of the Sick reminds us that suffering and illness are part of the human condition and being a Christian does not spare us of these experiences. Some of our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are called in a special way to minister to those of our community who are sick or are homebound, either due to illness or old age, and cannot attend Mass. In addition, they minister to the faithful who are in nursing homes or in the local hospital. These ministers are a tangible link between the parish’s celebration of the Eucharist and the communion of the sick or homebound. Theirs is a ministry that fulfills Christ’s command to visit the sick and to be concerned about their bodily and spiritual welfare.  In addition, they minister to the faithful who are in nursing homes or in the local hospital. 

         Contact Us

St. Francis of Assisi

Roman Catholic Church

299 Maple Street

Franklin, NC  28734


Phone: 828-524-2289 

Fax: 828-369-0809


Parish Office Hours

Monday thru Friday

10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.



Weekly Bulletins

Second Sunday of Advent
12-8-2024 -Second Sunday of Advent.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [360.3 KB]

        Mass Schedule


       Weekend Masses


Saturday Vigil:

            4:00 pm (EST)   

            5:00 pm (DST) 


            9:00 am (English)

           11:30 am (Spanish)


               Daily Mass

Monday: 9:00 am

Tuesday: No Mass

Wednesday: 5:30 pm

Thursday: 9:00 am  

Friday:  9:00 am 


       Sacrament of               Reconciliation               (Confession) 

Saturday 3:00 pm (EST)

               4:00 pm (DST)

Wednesday 6:15 pm

Rosary for Life

Saturday: 3:30 pm (EST)

                4:30 pm (DST)

Sunday:   8:30 am

    Adoration of the        Blessed Sacrament       (check our bulletin           for schedule)

Friday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Benediction 3:00 p.m.

First Friday 10:00 a.m. until

     Saturday 8:45 a.m.

  Benediction 8:45 a.m.